About Us

Confdroid is all about configuration management. automation, DevOPS, CICD and modern technologies.
The project was founded in 2017 by Arne Teuke, originally called Puppetsoft, back then still in Ireland, and started as a blog and meaning to publish some custom Puppet modules. The founder has been in the IT business since 2000 and as such has a long standing experience in many areas of the field. Currently the main topic is to build a custom cloud with a number of services for external customers, probably mostly software developers, QA folks, systems engineers and so on.
Meanwhile he is back in Germany and works as consultant and DevOPS freelancer

As new services will be made available to the public, this website will be updated and developed. It is not easy to stem all the areas of developing the infrastructure, the services and also the marketing, but hey we will see how it goes! Currently planned are software repositories with fully automated CICD pipelines, monitoring features, custom management features like Puppet, Ansible, Saltstack and similar goodies.

Just visit the blog while stuff is coming down the road, or contact us with inquiries.

Till then ...

Latest News

Kubernetes Quickie: Extract the Ca-Bundle

Today I came across a new little problem: Configuring a MutatingWebhookConfiguration for Nginx ingress controller. The example looks like this: apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1 kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration metadata: name: ingress-nginx-admission webhooks: – name: …